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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't say the L word: Chapter 1

"Have you ever felt insecure? Or an emotion which you can't seem to put into words?", Kara read aloud from a *manga which she bought in a hurry just so she could read it alone in her bedroom. She blushingly sighed as she went through it. She imagines herself as the main character, Nobu, a young girl with an attitude.

Kara lied down on her bed, stared at the sweet words Hatori (the lead male character in the book) says to Nobu and tossed and turned around her bed quietly screaming in her head. She'd go "Awww" or "What the heck! How dare you ?!"

Kara took of her glasses and looked at the mirror. She smiled and said to herself, " I'm not as pretty as the girls in manga but at least I'm as happy" She took out her handphone to take a photo of herself, just for kicks. "AHHH!!! It's 3:00 AM!!! ". Kara cosied herself in bed. She thought of Hatori and how he could make her feel absolutely special. Knowing how a kiss would feel. How soft are his lips? How sweet are his kisses? Will he touch me gently? Kara slowly fell into a deep slumber. Her last thought: " Will my prince appear when I wake up?"


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