She opened the door and was welcomed by sweet scent of flowers, fresh air and the cool breeze across your face. Kara took a deep breath(sp?). "That is the way to start your day", she thought. Then, suddenly, BAM!
A round rubber ball hurtled to her face. "What the HECK!", Kara screamed. "Who the He...", she was silenced when she saw ol' Matt. She made a sour look while holding the basketball.
He smiled, "G'morning". All her anger was washed away when she saw his sincere and childish face. She smiled and laughed it off. "Hey! Gimme the rock!".
"Here", Kara said, throwing the "rock" back to him.
As she turned around, BAM! A second blow to her nose. "You're blocking the way, butt face", said Samuel.
"YOU UGLY JERK!", she blasted in great fury.
"Is that any way to talk to your big bro?"
"but.. UGH!! You're so irritating Samuel!"
"Yak yak yak. You talk to much but don't move a lot",Samuel shoved her, "S'up, Matt".
Kara, being the type to not hold a grudge, took a deep breath(sp?) and walked away though still a tad angry at her brother and Matt.
"What a great way to start your day, eh?", she said to herself and closed the door.
Matt, holding the basketball, looked at Kara and made a soft sweet smile. A smile that would have brightened her day, if she would just turn around to look at the glass door. "Yo, Matt! Stop dazing around and pass the ball, man!".
"Oh, sorry, dude".
[This post is the 3rd time i tried to post out ch 3. The 1st ch 3, i used a laptop but i couldn't save it as the internet connection was lost, the 2nd one I finished it thru my phone but... Instead of pressing the 'Ok' button on this lil' nokia i pressd 'Cancel' thus deleted all of it.. This version is almost the same as the first couple of tries except a lot were omited because first and second were done either during Ramadhan or the first weeks of Raya.. Can't quite remember.. But twas a long time for a 15 year old.. Hahaha..]
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