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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Don't say the L word: Chapter 4 Interuptions

"Hatori-kun..", she thought.

"Nobu-san..", he thought.

"Sanada Hatori, you may now, finally, kiss the bride". Both of his hands were on her face. Her hands holding them, supporting them, so he won't let go.

Kara started whispered silently, "So..romantic".

Suddenly, Kara was startled by a yell outside her window. She looked down with her teeth clenched. Annoyed she yelled back, "WHAT!?"

"Hey! You need to go out once in a while. Stop lazing around reading that stupid comic and smell the fresh air", said a cheeky Matt.

Kara puffed. "There! Now leave me alone!"

"What was that? Come on. Play with me! I'm bored!"

"Fine," Kara sighed, "Just... no more basketballs, okay?"

"Yeah, alright. You have always been bad at sports. Compared to Sa-"

"CHILDREN! KEEP QUIET!" Matt was interupted by a nosy housewife, who apparently was spying at the people who were moving in across the street.

"Who could they be?" Kara wondered.

As Kara trotted down the stairs, her mother asked her to send the basket of cookies over to the new neighbours. "They are really nice people, Kara. The couple moving in has a son around your age. I think you and Matt should show him around", her mother continued.


"Mum! I'm about to go over there right now. I'll send them over. Maybe he likes basketball", Samuel said in a rush as took the basket from my hands and raced out the door with a basketball slinged over his back.

"Thank goodness", Kara whispered. Sam came in at the right time. "Matt probably will tag along with him and I can just continue reading!"


"Matt! Let's go over to the new neighbours!"

"No, I'm fine. I'm waiting for Kara. She said she wanted to hang out" Matt replied.

"Dude, that hermit's not going to come out of it's house anytime soon. I bet she's engrossed in her book right now"

Feeling a tad iffy, Matt looked back up at Kara's room and just as Sam said, she was there giggling and unawared that he could see her. Boiled up, he agreed to join Sam.

They were greeted by an excited woman, "Oh! Cookies, young boys and a new home! Today's my lucky day!" She snatched the basket and handed them to a bald man. "Honey! Cookies!"

"Welcome, ma'am. I heard you have a son. We thought, maybe, we could show him around or shoot some hoops?" Sam nervously asked.

"Sure, go on right ahead! That boy usually just sits around the house back at our old town. Hello, boys. I'm Mr. Jack Johnson. People usually call me Mr. JJ" introduced the bald man.

"Hi, Mr .... JJ. I'm Matthew Short. I live next door and this is Samuel Wickham. He lives just across", said Matt.

Matt then thought to himself, Mr. JJ? That's just a ridiculus name. Kara would have laughed her socks off if she were here.


Ok.. This is hard.. I'm not used to telling stories as a narrator. I think I'm going to change my style in the next chapter or else all of my stories will be full of speeches. I'm tired. It's half past one in the morning.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't say the L word: Chapter 3 Bad-luck baby!

She opened the door and was welcomed by sweet scent of flowers, fresh air and the cool breeze across your face. Kara took a deep breath(sp?). "That is the way to start your day", she thought. Then, suddenly, BAM!
A round rubber ball hurtled to her face. "What the HECK!", Kara screamed. "Who the He...", she was silenced when she saw ol' Matt. She made a sour look while holding the basketball.
He smiled, "G'morning". All her anger was washed away when she saw his sincere and childish face. She smiled and laughed it off. "Hey! Gimme the rock!".
"Here", Kara said, throwing the "rock" back to him.

As she turned around, BAM! A second blow to her nose. "You're blocking the way, butt face", said Samuel.
"YOU UGLY JERK!", she blasted in great fury.
"Is that any way to talk to your big bro?"
"but.. UGH!! You're so irritating Samuel!"
"Yak yak yak. You talk to much but don't move a lot",Samuel shoved her, "S'up, Matt".

Kara, being the type to not hold a grudge, took a deep breath(sp?) and walked away though still a tad angry at her brother and Matt.
"What a great way to start your day, eh?", she said to herself and closed the door.

Matt, holding the basketball, looked at Kara and made a soft sweet smile. A smile that would have brightened her day, if she would just turn around to look at the glass door. "Yo, Matt! Stop dazing around and pass the ball, man!".
"Oh, sorry, dude".

[This post is the 3rd time i tried to post out ch 3. The 1st ch 3, i used a laptop but i couldn't save it as the internet connection was lost, the 2nd one I finished it thru my phone but... Instead of pressing the 'Ok' button on this lil' nokia i pressd 'Cancel' thus deleted all of it.. This version is almost the same as the first couple of tries except a lot were omited because first and second were done either during Ramadhan or the first weeks of Raya.. Can't quite remember.. But twas a long time for a 15 year old.. Hahaha..]

Don't say the L word : Chapter 2 What time is it?

"How could Nobu be so blind ?! Does she not see how much the idiot loves her ?". How funny. These words are coming out of the mouth of someone who has never experienced the love of a man. " I'm so much better than her", she sighed as she places her book down. Kara stared at the ceiling, thinking of sweet Hatori. What she would have said or done if she was Nobu.

RI I I I I I N N N N N N N N N N N N G G G G G !!!!!!!!!

Oh Crap. The face that was intently looking at her seemed confused. "M-Matt!", said the startled fool.
"What-cha doin' ?", asked the grinning boy. "Thinking 'bout me?", he continued. Kara was big-eyed. Matt moved back a little. The moment was, well, awkward. Kara looked down, her face covered by her hair.
They both bursted into an uncontrolable laughter. "As if..", Kara said as she wiped away a tear. " Hey Matt, what're you doing here ? ".
" This is a classroom and school just ended."
" Wait. Wha ?"
" We're the only ones left 'cos you were day-dreaming and I just got back from soccer"
"Wait. What time is it?", asked Kara who always had her handphone.
Matt ignored her question thinking that she wants him to start singing to the HSM song and smacked her on the head and said, "Shut up. If we're any later people'll start gossiping"

This is how Kara started her first day of the second year in Middle School. Day-dreaming of a guy who doesn't exist. Great isn't it?

"Hey Matt, seriously what time is it?"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't say the L word: Chapter 1

"Have you ever felt insecure? Or an emotion which you can't seem to put into words?", Kara read aloud from a *manga which she bought in a hurry just so she could read it alone in her bedroom. She blushingly sighed as she went through it. She imagines herself as the main character, Nobu, a young girl with an attitude.

Kara lied down on her bed, stared at the sweet words Hatori (the lead male character in the book) says to Nobu and tossed and turned around her bed quietly screaming in her head. She'd go "Awww" or "What the heck! How dare you ?!"

Kara took of her glasses and looked at the mirror. She smiled and said to herself, " I'm not as pretty as the girls in manga but at least I'm as happy" She took out her handphone to take a photo of herself, just for kicks. "AHHH!!! It's 3:00 AM!!! ". Kara cosied herself in bed. She thought of Hatori and how he could make her feel absolutely special. Knowing how a kiss would feel. How soft are his lips? How sweet are his kisses? Will he touch me gently? Kara slowly fell into a deep slumber. Her last thought: " Will my prince appear when I wake up?"

Notice: New Story 1

I've decided to give up on my previous story and try to compose a different story. I am a Romantic. haha. I'm more interested in writing love stories or tragedies or something around that. So, the love story will begin...

...later. haha

- Le 'Iffah.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Author 2!

Meet our latest author, Akhmal! Yay so he'll be joining us now. Be sure to read and be aware of the author don't get it wrong guys. Okay. That's it. Oh an by the way this is one of the noew authors speaking. It's me Akito speaking! Stay tuned for tomorrow. (pssst authors let's try to use proper english in this blog shall we?)

That's it for now

Yasmin, over & out

Le Admin Iffy : Hello.. Who gave you permission to do an intro post.. Hmm?

New Author!

Meet Akito! A new author who'll help me blog! YAY! ahhaha

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Terra Lee's Story. Chapter 1: Peach

Friends. You love them. You hate them. Friendship is such a strong bond but for me who has never had any friends before could only imagine how it would feel. I would like to hear someone say, "Hey Terry, let's go out and play". That would be great.

For the past 13 years, I have been cared for only by my father and nannies but daddy is never around and the nannies never stay long enough for me to get to know them better. Daddy's work sometimes requires him to stay over night or a few days at a another district and sometimes abroad. Well, there are some perks, daddy would buy me some rare souveniers. Once daddy got me a diamond ring but my finger was too weak to use it so he gave it to one of his girlfriends instead.

Daddy had a heck whole lot of girlfriends, daddy did pick a couple of decent babes but some of his girls were so purely idiotic! One day, daddy fell in love with a beutiful woman,Francine , she is a smart, talented and nice person. She is indeed my role model. He married her and we became a family.

"Terra Lee Reeds! Get your butt down her and eat your dinner"
"Yes, mommy", I smiled with a large grin. Suddenly my grin dissappeared. My face was shocked. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Francine and I jumped up and down as daddy came forward to us. I put my arms out as he placed the most adorable thing in my hands.
"Here you go Terry, take care of her while were gone, ok?", said daddy as he patted my head.
"Thank you, mom, dad. I love her, it's such a cute kitten!"

I ran off to my room. I placed the fluffed up thing on my bed. "I'm going to name you, Peach"

Friday, August 21, 2009


Welcome to the storyteller's series! Basicly, I'm gonna write some stories enjoyable enough to read.. haha.. recently, I got my very first F for an english essay and well it felt infuriating thus to prove that I didn't deserve that F (eventho I did) I shall write and write and write (well.. more like type and type) till my hands are numb!